Writing on thin air is what I used to do. And so as expected those things written on air have all been lost. Wish my little scribbling here will allow history to time stamp my thoughts...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Subtle Knife
I do not recommend this book to children and to those whose foundation to their faith is not settled yet. I am not sure if Brown (the author of the Da Vinci Code) and Pullman know each other. However, somehow it seem that they do not really believe in the Church and are total Anti-Church! It is that or they are just using this anti-Church plot to fuel a controversy that will allow their books to be controversial enough to be bought.
The story is really really good nonetheless. I just really hate how he used the church and the church based terms and then try to imbibe into the minds of the reader that the Authority (God) is the one who is bad. And that the cardinals and all that believe in the Church as the basis of evil and wrongdoings.
If only he didn't use the Church and the real God in his novel, I will say that he is a great writer. But he is not. He is an opportunistic delinquent whose aim is to earn money and nothing else.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Now that is a DNS Issue!!!
I just read from an online news about an exploit code allowing someone to attack the domain name system (DNS) in the internet.
They are saying that this flaw is so critical that those in the know could easily cause the flow of internet traffic to be controlled. The news said that a group of elite computer engineers even had to labor in secret in order to develop a patch that will secure this apparent DNS vulnerability.
According to the person who discovered the vulnerability:
"This attack is very good. This attack is being weaponized out in the field. Everyone needs to patch, please, This is a big deal"
Even if I am not sure as to what this bug is, I felt that somehow the risk in internet security. So I followed the instruction given to find out if my own personal internet access is at risk. And this is the result:
" Your name server, at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, appears vulnerable to DNS Cache Poisoning. All requests came from the following source port: 53. Due to events outside our control, details of the vulnerability have been leaked. Please consider using a safe DNS server, such as OpenDNS. Note: Comcast users should not worry. "
Comcast customers are lucky. Their ISP has somewhat covered up the bases. But how about the other Internet Service Providers. Is the local ISP, PLDT concerned about this? Anybody got any idea?
UAAP FEU Cager Shot At!!!
But to add flavor to an already tasty news story, it seems that the motive behind the shooting is
related to the game of basketball. What?!!!!
Yes folks! The viral infection of what happened in the National Basketball Association (NBA)
concerning game fixing / cheating have reached the local shores. In this case, somehow cheaters in the game being played by FEU are said to be the suspects. Reports said that these cheaters are getting back at Baracael mainly because he 'squealed' about the involved individuals.
Now that is something!
The past few years, my interest in the local basketball leagues, (PBA, PBL, UAAP and NCAA
included) has really gone to a halt. No matter what the local basketball commentators and officials say, they can not hide the fact that the peoples interest in the game is at an all time low. Hell! even Ginebra chants sounds corny already.
It seem that the reason is coming to light. Could it be possible that these cheaters are not only
situated inside the walls of FEU? Could it be that even the amateur UAAP and the Pro-league games are affected? No wonder why Samahang Basketball ng Pilipinas and the rotting Basketball Association of the Philippines BAP can not agree, if that is the case.
The game just got dirtier and boring... hmp!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
manila Water : 2nd Edition
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
In a report by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Esperon stated that the agreement will now read, "The recognition and peaceful resolution of the conflict must involve consultations with the Bangsamoro people free of any imposition in order to provide chances of success and open new formulas that permanently respond to the aspirations of the Bangsamoro people."
Imagine how a seven letter word, which stands for nothing but rethoric, be of great value to achieving peace in Mindanao. Or is it?
One could easily put the kindest and most afable word in the context of that accord and yet still stray away from peace. The content of the mind and the motive of the heart does not always follow the warmth of a smile. For hidden desires will always be a stumbling block that should make it more harder for the proponents of this issue.
Not all Filipinos on both sides of the fence are excited about this development. There are those who have invested greatly in this conflict and would not want it to rightfully end. Remember that during the time of Erap, there are allegations that rouge elements of the military are the ones who themselves supplying arms and munitions to these rebels. Personal vendetta on both sides will not easily be bented as long as scores are not avenged. Some politicians who will lose grip of their turf once the BangsaMoro region is established will wholeheartedly desire that peace process fail. Sabotage, false accusations, deceit and lies will certainly come in handy for the shadows behind.
For all the hard hopes that we are pinning on this huge development, we should never ever forget that the real enemy of a peaceful Mindanao is cunning and much more evil. For now that freedom is not into play, comes the beginning of a whole new ballgame.
Manila Water
One to two years ago (I am not sure of the exact date), Manila water had a project of replacing all water meters in our street. Before they replaced the water meters for our compound, the one for my rented apartment is located 3rd from the right. After the replacement, the water meter for my apartment was placed 2nd from the right.
After this, my consumption immediately spiked to almost 700 pesos. I called the company call center and was subsequently told that it will be investigated and that I am going to be contacted. No one did. SO I went to the local office here in Mandaluyong. Again, I was told that an investigation will happen. For some reason, it seems that the call center and the local office are not communicating properly as they are telling me different reasons why my bill went up so drastically. I had to go back to the local office, just to be told that it was not Manila Waters fault why the reading went up. I informed them that this happened after the replacement of the water meters. I informed them that they may be reading the wrong meter (As I have said earlier, my water meter had been placed from third in the row to second in the row). I was just told to just pay for at leatst half of the 700 or so billing.
To avoid any further waste of time and trouble, I agreed.
So it went for many months, my water billing stayed well above the 100 peso maximum that I used to have. Sometimes it would even go up to more than 300 pesos. For two working persons, spending only 1/8th of their time at home and yet be able to consume that much water! We must be drowning already!
Just last month, our neighbors water service was cut by Manila Water!
Just last month, the local meter reader (his ID says Ronald is his name), informed me that he has been reading the wrong meter all along!!
And so again, I was told by the Manila Water call center that it is going to be investigated. And so again, I had to go to the local office because their call center kept on saying that they can't do anything about and that I have to wait from someone from the local office. And so again I was told by the local office that the issue is going to be investigated. And then, when they talked to my sister, they said that the billing will be adjusted.
LO AND BEHOLD!!! My bill for the month of July 2008 just showed up!!! And here is what it says:
"Mahal Naming Katubig:
Nais po naming ipaalam na ang inyong bayarin sa tubig para sa buwan ng Hulyo ay P1,322.32. Maaari po lamang na bayaran ito bago mag-Hulyo 19, 2008 upang maiwasang maputulan ng serbisyo ng tubig.
Maraming Salamat po! "
WAT DA!!!?!?!?! Anak ng tokwa!! E lumaki pa ah!!!
So I called the call center again. Call center agent told me that his name is "something". Then he told me that someone from the local office (territory manager) is going to call me in a few minutes. No one called. So I called back. I talked to Kim. Kim told me that the person I talked to earliers name is actually is Mel P. Heck he gave me another name earlier. The guys are giving me the run arounds (except for kim, she is not really helpful but quite sympathetic to the cause, I should say.)! And so I talked to an OIC (How come they always say that they do not have a manager around and that they are always on a meeting..), the OIC kept telling me that according to the records there is nothing wrong with the reading as it was an actual reading.
Man!!! Who said that that was not actual reading??? It was an actual reading alright! And actual reading of somebody else's consumption!!! Why should I pay for someone else's thirst quenching!!!???
Now, I am putting my fate again to the utter brilliance of these investigators from Manila Water. And guess what? I think that they will be brilliant enough once again to tell me that something is going to be done for the benefit of their beloved customer.
Please, I want this to be fully investigated. Starting before the time the meters were replaced. And I want my refund to be computed. It has become a headache already. I wish there are other water carriers...
Friday, July 11, 2008
iPhone 3G

Folks! History has been made. Jonny Boy of Auckland is the very first earthling to own the new iPhone 3G at 8AM EST time zone in The Land Down Under The Land Down Under. As soon as I learned that the new iPhone is going to first come out in New Zealand, I immediately ask my brother who lives there if he can grab one for me. I would love to be the first one to get a hold of the newest ultimate gadget to hit the world. especially if I am here in the Philippines.
Now, I am not really a tech gadget fanatic. In fact the cellphone that I currently have is still my good old 2nd hand Nokia 6600 model which I got from my sister. However, so much talk has been focused on the new iPhone model, I started to crave for it. I thought it is either I will have it or I will give it as a gift to my lovely girlfriend of almost seven years as an anniversary gift this July.
The initial reviews however seem to be dampening the hype, and my craving. Somehow, server glitches are causing too much trouble for the new iPhone pioneer users that they could not even use it to make calls. There seems to be an activation problem. De javu! I thought this happened already before.
However, iPhone 3G is still better than the original iPhone. Features like support for third-party software from the iPhone Apps store, improved GPS capabilities, better 3G wireless network capability and Microsoft exchange server e-mail will sure attract more customers. And the price is really affordable that it is really becoming more of a reality to be bought by the mainstream guys.
The latest news in the country is that it may still take sometime for it to be released. According to Globe, it is still later in the year before iPhone lands at NAIA. So for now, I still am waiting for my big brother to get me one. Go Bro!!!
jOb oPening : Senior Call Center Associates : OAM
- Inbound Technical Support
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- Customer Service
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- Management Virtual Workforce
Senior Call Center Associates
Open Access Marketing is seeking experienced and talented call center associates to work on a U.S.-based call center campaign. The associate will handle inbound and outbound calls from U.S. callers in order to qualify them for the client's services.The applicant must have an excellent command of the English language and a college degree. Previous call center experience is highly desired. Strong work ethic and desire to excel in a dynamic team based environment.
Location: Leviste Street, Makati City
Wage/Salary: Dependent on Experience
Company: Open Access Marketing Philippines Inc
Email: careers@openaccessmarketing.com
jOb oPening : Inbound Customer and Technical Support : OAM
Open Access Marketing (OAM) is a leading global business process outsourcing (BPO) company that specializes in providing a wide range of front to back-office outsourcing solutions. The company's aim is to bridge the outsourcing gap by becoming an integral and integrated part of top organizations while delivering the cost savings of an outsourced solution. The company services include, but are not limited to:
- Inbound Customer and Technical Support
- Appointment Setting
- Lead Generation
- Telemarketing
- Inbound Direct Sales
- Customer Service
- Data Entry, Mining & Cleansing
- Research & Analysis
- eCommerce Management
- Search Engine Optimization and
- Management Virtual Workforce
Open Access Marketing Philippines, Inc is seeking several experienced INBOUND CUSTOMER & TECHNICAL SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVES for a growing client in our Makati, Philippines headquarters.You will be working alongside a strong, American managed team with over 25 years of U.S. telemarketing experience and an experienced, dedicated and energetic domestic team of team leads and managers. You will be entering as Batch 2 for the client which leaves a tremendous amount of opportunity for growth.We are seeking those with 1-2 years of call center experience, preferably in an inbound technical support role with extensive customer service skills. Fluency on all aspects of the computer is required, specifically: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office (especially Excel), and the internet. English fluency (reading/writing/speaking) is a must. We prefer those with college degrees, but again, if you think you have the skills and talent, we encourage you to apply.Benefits include full Maxicare HMO coverage paid for by the company, bonus opportunities, paid time off, and a pleasant working environment. We guarantee that this will be the most enjoyable work environment you have ever been at. Please email us your resumes and make sure to put "Inbound CSR" in the subject field. We need to hire several people immediately. Please visit www.openaccessmarketing.com for more information about Open Access Marketing Philippines Inc.
City/Town: Leviste Street, Makati City
Wage/Salary: 24,000 - 26,000
Company: Open Access Marketing Philippines Inc
Email: careers@openaccessmarketing.com
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